Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Good Omens

Rob Breszny's horoscope for me this week:
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): If you really knew how much you were loved, you would never cry again. A sublime relaxation would flood your nervous system, freeing you to see the beautiful secrets that your chronic fear has hidden from you. If you knew how much the world longs for your genius to bloom in its full glory, the peace that filled you would ensure you could not fail. You'd face every trial with eager equanimity. You would always know exactly what to do because your intuition would tell you in a myriad of subtle ways. And get this: A glimpse of this glory will soon be available to you.

It's possible I have some inkling of all this wonderful stuff. That doesn't mean I'm looking forward to all the unpacking and other work ahead of me, but nonetheless I feel pretty good.

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